Friday 26 October 2012

I think... I'll get fat (soon!)

My favorite thing to do while studying is...... to grab some foods hahaha.

I don't care it's a heavy / light meal. I can't stop chewing and my tummy is always hungry.

Usually I prefer heavy meal. I eat a lot of carbohydrates; rice, bread, cereal (REPEAT 3 TIMES!)

And my new favorite snack is.....
Mini pretzels with chocolate spread :s

First Post

Hey, do you want to know me? I'm not sure you do ehehe.
But I want to tell you that I'm a pastry student and have just entered university, yeay!
This is my daily-life-blog. Um well, I hope it will be good. *fingerscrossed*

Next week I'm having a mid-term test. Yessss Noooo.
And now I'm studying hard for it because..... I love studying. Lol weird.
FYI, I and my-new-silly-friend went to library every day since a week ago and we borrowed some books about food product management, while the other students still played around --- how diligent we are :)) Even I sent an email to my english lecturer, requesting a complete list of adjectives because my vocabulary about it is limited.

Don't ever think studying pastry is easy, definitely not.

I gotta go :) those books can't wait!